Monday 3 May 2010

Momo and Three Musketeer

Luv the green eyes!

Last week, a special guest was arrived to the office. Suddenly a persian cat (is it persian, rite?) came in to my room and greet me n my friends with her beautiful eyes and hairy tail. I knew the cat must be belong to my neighbour who lives next to the office. She has 3 persian cats, one with grey colour had also came to my office... And the last one who came with beige colour (beige? or milky? hehehe...) was Momo. I knew her name from the name tag hang on the neck, and also the cell phone number of the owner on the other side of it. Too bad she looks unhealthy, many of her hair had fallen. But afterall she was a beautiful n nice cat, n I felt she only want to greet us on the day (some of my friends was screaming, scared of her....hehe..), then she was just lying down on the floor for a while and then went out, back to her owner. Luckily I brought my camera on the day, so I could captured the beauty of her soon before she run away.
And another three kittens with black n white colour was "three musketeer", they were came to my home unpredictable. One kitten totally black (the son of my neighbour named her 'bleki'...hehe.... kayak nama anjing ya), one with black n white but have black mark near the nose (I called her 'tompel'.... kayak tompel sih), and the last one, also black n white but without mark (I called her 'belang'). Like all the kittens, they like to play around the terrace (My mother doesn't allowed them to get in to the house....hehe... :p), but they seems happy there.
For cat lover, hope u enjoy them all :)



  1. bleki kan nama anakku yang kaki empat itu, dan dia emang item semua :)) sayang sekali... bleki gak suka diduakan, jadi sekarang dia blom bisa punya sodara :D

  2. hahaha... bukan aku yg namain tuh... anak tetanggaku aja yg manggil dia bleki...
    duh, yg gak mau punya saingan....hihi..

  3. kalau rontok bulunya kemungkinan kebanyakan garam. bilangin aja sama yang punya, jangan keseringan dikasih makanan orang yang mengandung garam....

  4. ooh...ok my... nanti ku bilangin ke pemiliknya... thanks ya :)
    tadinya aku kira karena dia udah lama gak dikasih whiskas.. tapi kucing yg begini emang makanannya spesial kan?

  5. gyaaa...kuciiing...:-D yg item suka bgt,semuanya jg suka xD

  6. gyaaa...kuciiing...:-D yg item suka bgt,semuanya jg suka xD

  7. oooo....penyuka kucing juga.... *toss :)*

  8. wooooww....
    matanya kayak jade ya..

  9. iya mba orlane, keren ya :)
    padahal klo lagi biasa (gak difoto) dia warna matanya coklat muda
